Tuesday, January 29, 2013


First I want to say welcome and thank you for visiting my blog. It's my first one ever! The main goal here is to document, share, and maybe just help a few others that are trying to become more self-sustaining and environmentally friendly. Along my path to a greener and more self-sustaining life I will share tips, experiences, reviews, and opinions on "Turning Green".

Why am I "Turning Green"?

1. I have kids. Today there is way too much technology. Now I like technology just as much as the next person. I love my Kobo and my microwave :) But kids are just not being kids anymore. If I left them alone they would spend all day sat in front of a screen, T.V, Computer, Phone, Pad. We plan outings. PLAN. Wow. When I was a kid we were just out. Out to play, inside to eat and sleep. They are watching life pass them by on a screen instead of living it. Living greener means less screen time. It also teaches them how to be self sufficient just in case they need to in the future. I don't want them to be dependent on technology to live. They should know how to make food, clean, entertain themselves without having to go to a store first.

2. It costs less. The fact is making your own supplies, reusing things you have and eating more fruits and vegetables cost a lot less. To be honest I would say saving money is probably a close tie if not number one on my list of reasons to become "Greener". A lot of the things I started doing, like making my own cleaning supplies, was to save money. Being "Green" was a side effect.

3. It just feels good. It feels good to not waste food, it feels good to make and use your own supplies, it feels good to know you are not dependent on someone else to supply you with the everyday things you need and use.

4. Finally it helps the environment  I'm not going to preach about all the benefits of not using chemicals or cutting down or out processed food, meat, dairy. You hear it all the time and that is not the point of this blog but you know what they are.

I hope you will join me in this endeavor of trying new things, learning new ways, and having fun in the process. And please share and comment as much as you like.


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